Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What the People Want

Last year I installed a blog counter at the bottom of the page to keep track of how many visits I get. I thought it would be fun to keep an eye on what prompted more people to take a look and what drew crickets. But I hadn't actually gone to the web site to take a look at all the info they collect.

What I found was amazing. In reverse order, here are the top 3 most visited posts in AA history:

#3 - Premier League Fan Zone

I had no idea there were so many soccer fans reading this thing.

#2 - Worthy Cause

This one makes sense because it is basically a list of great restaurants in KC. I love reading other people's lists of favorite eating spots, so why wouldn't other people feel the same way?

#1 80's Movie Quote of the Week (April 17)

This 80's movie quote comes from Haim and Feldman classic License to Drive.

Really? This is the most interesting thing that has ever been on this blog? By the way, it isn't even close. This post has almost twice as many hits as the number two post. I had no idea so many people loved the Coreys so much. Guess it's about time for a Lost Boys quote...

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