Michael Beasley had his first opportunity to show the Bulls they made a mistake in not drafting the most talented player in the draft, and he didn't disappoint. Beasley had 28 points and 9 rebounds in the Heat's first summer league game against those same Bulls. While #1 pick Derrick Rose nervously played his way to 10 points, 4 assists, and 5 turnovers, Beasley took it to a second and a third year NBA player.
Apparently, the only complaint on the court was that Beasley was singing while he was playing. I like to think he was singing Charlie's America Song from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia:
I'm gonna rise up/ I'm gonna kick a little ass/ I'm gonna kick some ass in the U.S.A./ I'm gonna climb a mountain/ I'm gonna sew a flag/ I'm gonna fly on an eagle/ I'm gonna kick some butt/ I'm gonna drive big trucks/ I'm gonna rule this world/ I'm gonna kick some ass/ I'm gonna rise up/ Gonna kick a little ass/ Rock on flyin' eagle!
How was Beasley's second game? Get over your man crush!!!
Second game was not so good. My other man crush Kevin Durant played yesterday, however. Has to be the first time the reigning rookie of the year played in the summer league, and voluntarily at that. That is good stuff.
I think I have decided to get over my bitterness and make the Oklahoma City Whatevers my official NBA rooting interest. They are the only team I might realistically make it to see more than once a year, so it makes sense. Plus, I feel somewhat duty bound to root for small-market success.
The only thing that could kill it at this point is if they make turquoise one of the team colors.
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