Friday, January 23, 2009

More Explanation Please

There is a story on the Star website talking about charges being dropped against two sisters because a Kansas sheriff was too busy being charged with extortion of a strip club to pursue the case.

Supposedly, the two sisters had robbed a church. The story goes on to talk about the criminal records of the sisters, and it looks pretty unlikely they are innocent. But in the middle of the story is this paragraph:

In 2004, they were accused of plotting to enroll Birdie Hoaks at Galena Middle School, where she posed as a 13-year-old boy. Felony theft charges in that case were dismissed in 2005.
No further exposition on this topic is presented in the article. I know it isn't integral to the point of the story, but if anything ever cried out for some explanation it has to be that paragraph, right?

1 comment:

jackknife rodriguez said...

Is that a picture of the woman in the previous post, as she was posing as a schoolboy and playing a gee-tar? I love run-ons.


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